Managing Stress
How Does Nutrition Affect Mental Health?
Below is an interview between Registered Dietician, Joanna Chiu and UNLV student, Landon Pham. In this short video, they discuss the role of nutrition and how it affects the brain.
3 Important Nutrients
These three nutrients are directly related to brain development. They help boost the neurotransmitters in your brain when it comes to mental health.
Vitamin D
You can find Vitamin D in some fish such as Salmon and Tuna. You could also find them in a lot of fortified products such as fortified dairy or fortified orange juice.
B Vitamins
You will find B vitamins in a lot of leafy greens such as broccoli and cabbage. You can also find it in meat, eggs, and dairy.
Omega 3
You can find Omega 3 in almost all fish. There's also plant-based Omega 3 such as flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts.