Managing Stress
Meditation and Mindfulness
Relaxation interventions incorporate several techniques, all of which are particularly focused on changing physiological responses to anxiety with relaxing and stabilizing effects on the autonomic nervous system
Relaxation Response
characterized by a set of physiological adjustments that are elicited in the absence of tension in the body and mind, and they are often accompanied by reduced neurological arousal together with a decrease in sympathetic activity and a sense of being physically rested (Esch et al., 2003; Klainin et al., 2015)
5 reasons
To meditate
Understanding your pain
Lower your stress
Connect better
Improve focus
Reduce brain chatter
Meditation not only creates a relaxation response but also maximizes the potential of mental ability by enhancing arousal and cognition (Young and Taylor, 1998; Amihai and Kozhevnikov, 2014)
How to meditate
Everyone can do it!
Take a seat ​
Notice your body
Feel your breath
Notice when your mind has wandered
Be kind to your wandering mind
Close with kindness